

宋亦明,中国人民大学国际政治经济学博士,北京外国语大学国际关系学院讲师,外交学系主任。研究领域为国际与比较政治经济学理论、能源与气候变化的政治经济学、中国经济外交与经济权术,目前正在从事的两项研究分别为“自然资源的病理学”和“国际制度竞争的生成演化”。专著有《“能源诅咒”的政治起源:经济现代化、产业联盟与产权制度》(2024);合译有《重新思考世界政治中的权力、制度与观念》(2019年)和《美元与国家安全:硬权力的货币维度》(2018年);参编有《中国经济外交蓝皮书》(2018年、2019年、2020年);主持有国家社会科学基金青年项目1项;在《世界经济与政治》、《外交评论》、《国际政治科学》、Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene等主要学术刊物上发表论文20余篇。

Song Yiming received his Ph.D. in International Political Economy from the Renmin University of China. He is the assistant professor and director of the Department of Diplomacy at the School of International Relations, Beijing Foreign Studies University. His research interests include international and comparative political economy theory, the political economy of energy and climate change, and China’s economic diplomacy and economic statecraft. He is currently engaged in two research projects: “The Pathology of Natural Resources” and “The Formation and Evolution of International Institutional Competition”. He is the author of Political Origins of the “Energy Curse”: Economic Modernization, Industrial Coalitions, and Property Rights System (2024); the co-translator of Rethinking Power, Institutions and Ideas in World Politics: Whose IR? (2019) and The Dollar and National Security: The Monetary Component of Hard Power (2018); and the co-editor of China Economic Diplomacy Blue Book (2018, 2019, 2020). He has presided over a youth project of the National Social Science Foundation and published more than 20 papers in peer-reviewed academic journals such as World Economy and Politics, Foreign Affairs Review, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, etc.


